Verkauf zu Schleuderpreisen - translation to Αγγλικά
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Verkauf zu Schleuderpreisen - translation to Αγγλικά

Zu Artzeinu; Zu Artzenu
  • Logo of Zo Artzeinu

Verkauf zu Schleuderpreisen      
sacrifice sale, sale in which goods are sold at a loss
sacrifice sale      
Verkauf zu Schleuderpreisen
Teutonic Order         
  • Castle of the Teutonic Order in [[Bad Mergentheim]]
  • 150px
  • 17px
  • [[Tannhäuser]] in the habit of the Teutonic Knights, from the ''[[Codex Manesse]]''
  • Extent of the Teutonic Order in 1300
  • A [[German National People's Party]] poster from 1920 showing a Teutonic knight being attacked by Poles and socialists. The caption reads "Rescue the East".
  • [[Hermann von Salza]], the fourth Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights (1209–1239)
  • Ruins of the Teutonic Order's castle in [[Paide]], Estonia
  • P. Janssen]]
  • Pomerelia (''Pommerellen'') while part of the [[monastic state of the Teutonic Knights]]
  • [[Reliquary]] made in [[Elbing]] in 1388 for Teutonic komtur Thiele von Lorich, military trophy of Polish king Wladislaus in 1410.
  • 30 px
  • Teutonic & Livonian Orders in 1422
  • Map of the Teutonic state in 1260
  • Map of the Teutonic state in 1410
  • Map of the Teutonic state in 1466
Teutonic Order of Knights; Order of Teutonic Knights; Teutonic knights; Teutonic Orders; Teutonic kinghts; The teutonic order; Knights of the Teutonic Order; Teutonic order; Teutonic Knight; The Teutonic Order; Deutsche Orden; German Knights; Deutscher Orden; Ordo Teutonicus; Halbbrüder; Halpbruder; Ordensdiener; Sariantbruder; Order of the Teutonic Knights; Teutonic Knights of the Hospital of Saint Mary of Jerusalem; Knights Teutonic; House of the Hospitallers of Saint Mary of the Teutons; Knights of Teutonic Order; House of the Hospitalers of Saint Mary of the Teutons in Jerusalem; Deutscher Ritter Orden; Haus der Ritter des Hospitals Sankt Marien der Deutschen zu Jerusalem; Domus Sanctae Mariae Theutonicorum in Jerusalem; Black Cross (Teutonic Order); Marianer Cross of the Teutonic Order; Marianer Cross of the Deutscher Ritterorden; Knight of the Teutonic Order; Deutschherrenorden; Deutschritterorden; Teutonic Knights; Cross of the Teutonic Order; The Teutonic Knights Historical Empire of St. Mary from Jerusalem; Teutonic knight; Coat of arms of the Teutonic Order; Theutonic Order
Teutonischer Orden


¦ noun a Japanese therapy based on the same principles as acupuncture, in which pressure is applied with the hands to points on the body.
Japanese, lit. 'finger pressure'.


Zo Artzeinu

Zo Artzeinu (Hebrew: זוֹ אַרְצֵנוּ!, This is our land) was a right-wing nationalist political protest movement created and led by Moshe Feiglin and Shmuel Sackett in Israel to block Israeli land concessions to the Arabs in the early 1990s, especially the Oslo Accords. The movement was known to block roads and use other forms of civil disobedience adapted from the civil rights movement in the United States to make known their protests and goals.

Feiglin and Sackett established Zo Artzeinu in December 1993. In summer 1995 Zo Artzeinu supported demonstrations against the government of Yitzak Rabin, accusing Rabin of "selling Israel to the Arabs and pushing the country towards war". The movement's leaders were arrested in early September, accused of inciting revolt among settlers. At a large Zo Artzeinu demonstration on 14 September, fifty people were injured. Yigal Amir, who assassinated Rabin in November 1995, was found to have links to Kach, Eyal Group and Zo Artzeinu.

In March 1996 Zo Artzeinu leader Binyamin Elon appeared on the Moledet electoral list, and gained a Knesset seat in the May general election. In 1998, Feiglin and Sackett moved on to establish the Manhigut Yehudit ("Jewish Leadership") faction within the Likud party, with Feiglin eventually running for leadership of the Likud party. Other Zo Artzeinu members joined Israel Beiteinu in 1999.